
Behavior Analytics with Ronny Max

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Amplify Store Sales with Ronny Max I recently had my worst customer experience. My father passed away, and I wanted to close his cell phone service. I went to the store because I assumed you needed to show a death certificate. I dreaded the visit way before I went into the Xfinity store. It took 10 minutes to learn that the Xfinity store couldn’t deal with the account because it belonged to Xfinity Mobile. They told me to call 611. It took another 30 minutes to battle the AI bot until I got...

Amplify Store Sales with Ronny Max I’m writing this newsletter with a heavy heart. My father died. In Israel, my family and friends are at war. Darkness, dysfunction, and distrust are destabilizing the world. Today, I want to share the story of PEACE for Profit. It is about the power of WHY. The PEACE for Profit template illuminates the conversations over which actions you should take to achieve the desired outcomes. #BehaviorAnalytics If you have been reading my newsletter for a while, you...

Amplify Store Sales with Ronny Max I’m writing this newsletter with a heavy heart. My father died. In Israel, my family and friends are at war. Darkness, dysfunction, and distrust are destabilizing the world. Today, I want to share the story of PEACE for Profit. It is about the power of WHY. The PEACE for Profit template illuminates the conversations over which actions you should take to achieve the desired outcomes. #BehaviorAnalytics If you have been reading my newsletter for a while, you...

Build Profitable Ecosystems with Ronny Max Say you are an operations manager for a large chain of convenience stores. Some of your convenience stores are in fuel stations. Some of the C-stores are standalone. The stores are located close to highways and high-traffic areas. Inside the C-Stores, the chain is focused on serving customers the products they want for a quick on-the-go shopping experience – freshly brewed coffee, clean bathrooms, and various packaged food and snacks for the road....

Build Profitable Ecosystems with Ronny Max Say you are an operations manager for a large chain of convenience stores. Some of your convenience stores are in fuel stations. Some of the C-stores are standalone. The stores are located close to highways and high-traffic areas. Inside the C-Stores, the chain is focused on serving customers the products they want for a quick on-the-go shopping experience – freshly brewed coffee, clean bathrooms, and various packaged food and snacks for the road....

Build Profitable Ecosystems with Ronny Max Say you are a brand manager. 12 months ago, you ordered 5,000 units of premium facial cream jars. The shipment arrived yesterday, but the market conditions changed. Demand for premium cosmetics dropped considerably. The timing lag between forecasted demand and actual demand created a massive challenge. You have too much inventory. You adapt the sales forecast as you investigate options in different distribution challenges. Your goal is to reduce...

Build Profitable Ecosystems with Ronny Max Say you are a store manager. Your store has a prominent display at the storefront. Historically, products placed on the display had a sales boost of 5%. Why? Product awareness turns passive browsers into interested shoppers. Imagine. It is a cold day. It is snowing outside. You are traveling from Florida to New York City. It’s an opportunity to shop for boots. You are walking in Soho. You have entered five shoe stores. Nothing is interesting. You are...

Build Profitable Ecosystems with Ronny Max For my birthday, I got a Yogurt cup full of chocolates… It was a joke, of course. I had 25 people over for a fantastic evening, and a friend (who once had the misfortune of asking me what I did) got the yogurt because she could no longer walk into a supermarket without looking up at the cameras. And, Thank you to those who participated in the “Amplify Store Sales” workshops. It was fun. Today, I’d like to share a case study from the workshop. Here is...

Build Profitable Ecosystems with Ronny Max Thanks for Joining Behavior Analytics! Did someone forward this email to you? Subscribe today to learn how to increase store sales, conversions, and profits, one behavior at a time. Join Now “How do you prevent theft in the self-service checkout?” Grocers and General Merchandise retailers are expanding self-service checkouts in mass to provide a more convenient customer experience. But, The economic hardships of high inflation, the increasing variety...

Build Profitable Ecosystems with Ronny Max Thanks for Joining Behavior Analytics! Did someone forward this email to you? Subscribe today to learn how to increase store sales, conversions, and profits, one behavior at a time. Join Now “How do you prevent theft in the self-service checkout?” Grocers and General Merchandise retailers are expanding self-service checkouts in mass to provide a more convenient customer experience. But, The economic hardships of high inflation, the increasing variety...